
TRS (#4) 2-17-09: Repetition

This week's show was created in a collaboration between Eric Asboe and myself. Eric is a local writer/artist who I had the good fortune of meeting last fall. I invited him along to an Anat Pick reading at the Dey House and since then our common interest in sound art, ubuweb, and (for lack of a better term) "the contemporary art practice" has congealed into a rewarding communication of which this week's show is one result.

As well as suggesting all the pieces played on this week's show, Eric is also performing work from his series Mornings (2008-2009). Of his work (or maybe, just in general) he says, "Dada sound poetry asks the listener to reconsider the traditional meanings of language through an evacuation of sense. The repetition in these pieces also challenges traditional meanings of language but by evacuating the sense from language that is readily understandable, even simplistic."

This is idea we are interested in when we say we are interested in the idea of repetition. Thanks for listening.

1. Eric Asboe - Excerpts from Mornings (2008-2009) "May"

2. Robert Ashley - She Was A Visitor

3. Janek Schaefer - Love Song

4. Alex Bag - "Call Me" - Excerpted from "Untitled Fall '95"

5. Eric Asboe - Excerpts from Mornings (2008-2009) "November - December"

6. People Like Us - An Induction is a Draft is a Gust of Air - (this links to their video)

7. Eric Asboe - Excerpts from Mornings (2008-2009) "May"

8. Robert Ashley - She Was a Visitor

9. Janek Schaefer - Love Song

10. Alex Bag - "Call Me" - Excerpted from "Untitled Fall '95"

11. Eric Asboe - Excerpts from Mornings (2008-2009) "November Through December"

For more information about the show read further.
To tell your story write: instituteofstorytelling@gmail.com

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