
TRS 15

is happening this evening, my final show, a friend will join me, we'll play some original stuff, a live mix of things, indeterminate descriptors unite us in indistinctness

TRS 14

last week joined by a friend, played some stuff

TRS 13

was a couple weeks ago


TRS 12

Gregory Whitehead vs. Brian Joseph Davis w/ Theodor Adorno for the firt 20 some minutes, then Charles Amirkhanian's Text Sound Piece, Rotomotor by Anton Bruhin and ending with Crickets.


TRS 11

So it turns out you have to arise at 4 AM to actually hear my show anymore. But that's probably for the better; the stuff I'm playing and mixing together makes so much more sense then, it's quite an enveloping hour.

This morning you heard John Baldessari singing Sol LeWitt, Hallgrimur Viljalmsson's Serenade for six German Sirens, and some Meredith Monk.


TRS 10

So maybe I'm getting lazy, but the show's are getting more fun. I've kind of given up on some aspects of it... tonight, though, I bring you DJ Food's Raiding the 20th Century in its entirety. I'll throw in some other garbage to top it off but TRS 10 is all about the noise collage.


TRS Number 9 Hijack LIVE

I am playing the HIJACK. It is about me. People talking about me for an hour. Twenty-six artists talk about one other artist for one hour. So it is about me but also about artist talking about art off the cuff. I am calling it hijack because it is a precursor to my show opening this Friday evening at Public Space One (7PM). The show is called Interior Artifacts: Documents from an Excavation. It is about me as well. There is a lot about me going on here. I hope by dwelling on this subject of myself I am able to dwell on other people as well.